Theatre Projects
My work as a theatre artist focuses on mythology, folklore, feminism, curiosity and queerness. I'm most interested in exploring themes through devised, collaborative works that allow for a non-hierarchical approach to creation. My shows are often based in magical realism and highlight audience interaction.
Witch Way
A devised show that explored femininity and womanhood through the lens of witches from folklore and mythology. Baba Yaga, Circe, Medea and Morgan Le Fay teach us that although we may never escape evil feminine stereotypes, our power will always come from within.
Photos by Emma Benson
Photo by Ethan Doskey
The Wonder Project
The fantastic brain-child of Jordan Kost, The Wonder Project was an interactive devised piece comprised of individual scenes made by cast members. In it, we explored the nostalgia, insecurity, hope and laughter that is inherent in life.
Photos by Jenna Mae @jmj.creations
Exit the King
Actor - Juliette
I played Juliette in Exit the King, a show about a king who steadily loses his power as his life fades. The show deals with themes of grief, denial, death, and those who are left behind. Due to Covid, we did the show outside on a balcony while remaining 6 feet apart the entire time.
Photos by TTS Production Staff
Ninki Nanka
Assistant Director
A group of people wake up to find themselves trapped in a room together. Eventually, it becomes clear they are there for a sin they've committed. Collectively, they have to decide who can leave the room, while the rest must stay behind. Ninki Nanka was a devised piece that was directed by Jasmine Bracey.